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This command aim to refactor renaming filename, classname and variable with parameter oldname replace to newname.

morpheme refactor --old-name [old-name] --new-name [new-name]


morpheme refactor --old-name [old-name] --new-name [new-name] [arguments]

To see all available options and flags, run morpheme refactor --help.

Available Options

  • Options :
--exclude-changes [code-exclude-changes]Code will exclude to refactor separate with , (coma)
--exclude-files [path-files]Spesific path file will exclude to refactor both code and filename separate with , (coma)
--exclude-directories [path-directories]Spesific path directory will exclude to refactor including files and codes in it separate with , (coma)
  • Flags :
--[no-]include-libraryRefactor rename morpheme name to app name include Morpheme Library, by default false