📄️ Config
This command is specific to VSCode IDE user.
📄️ Apps
If you want to build project super apps. This command is used to generate new apps.
📄️ Feature
This command is used to generate new feature
📄️ Page
The morpheme page command has several options and arguments that can be used to create a new page in a feature module. To create a new page in a feature module, you must provide the feature name using the -f or --feature-name option. You can also specify other options depending on how you want to create the page. For example, to create a new page with just UI pages and Cubit, you can use the following command:
📄️ API
This command is used to generate the API on a page
📄️ Json2Dart
This command is used to generate the API based on the configuration json file in the json2dart/json2dart.yaml file
📄️ Endpoint
This command is used to generate endpoints in the file core/lib/src/constants/src/morpheme_endpoints.dart based on the endpoints in the file json2dart/json2dart.yaml
📄️ Assets
This command is used to generate our asset file as a constant.
📄️ Color2Dart
This command is used to generate our theme and dart file from yaml to dart.
📄️ l10n (Languages)
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📄️ Firebase
This command is used to generate firebase configuration used cli flutterfire which recommendation from firebase reference for flutter.
📄️ Unit Test
This command is used to generate a test file for a feature
📄️ Core (New Packages)
This command is used if we want to add a custom package to core.
📄️ Local2Dart
This command will generate local database using sqflite from a yaml which is in local2dart/local2dart.yaml.
📄️ Remove Apps
This command aims to remove apps from the project.
📄️ Remove Feature
This command aims to remove features from the project.
📄️ Remove Page
This command aims to remove pages from the project.