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This command is used to generate the API based on the configuration json file in the json2dart/json2dart.yaml file

morpheme json2dart

The generated API will be available according to the features and pages that we configure.

json2dart.yaml Configuration

To add API we have to add this following line:

base_url: base_url
path: endpoint_name
method: your_api_method
body: url_file_body_json
response: url_file_response_json
header: url_file_hearder_json // optional
cache_stategy: cache_stategy // optional

Cache Strategy :

Inside json2dart.yaml there are cache_strategy allow additions: async_or_cache, cache_or_async, just_async, just_cache. by default set to just_async.

  • async_or_cache : strategy to fetch the api first and cache the response. if fetch fails it will return data from cache.
  • cache_or_async : strategy if there is data in the cache and it is not expired then it will return data from the cache first. otherwise it will fetch api and responsen will be cached.
  • just_async : a strategy that only fetches the api to get the data.
  • just_cache : a strategy that only gets data from cache.
Simple Implementation
cache_strategy: async_or_cache
Detail Implementation
strategy: async_or_cache
ttl: 60 #in Minutes
keep_expired_cache: true

Extra notes:

  • We can add more than one api on a page.

  • Allowed methods: get, post, put, patch, delete & multipart.

  • Options : (We need to add this manually)

    body_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd // default is .toIso8601String()
    response_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm // default is .toIso8601String()
    api: true // default is true
    endpoint: true // default is true
    unit-test: false // default is false
    replace: false // default is false

For example, we will add the delete user API to page users in the master feature using json2dart, here are the steps:

  1. Add json files for "response" and "body" API, response json files in json2dart/json/response/, for body json files json2dart/json/body/

    File generated

  2. Add the delete_user API configuration to the json2dart/json2dart.yaml file

    body_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd
    response_format_date_time: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
    api: true
    endpoint: true
    unit-test: false
    replace: false

    - &base_url BASE_URL

    .login: &login
    base_url: *base_url
    path: /login
    method: post
    # header: json2dart/json/header/login_header.json
    body: json2dart/json/body/login_body.json
    response: json2dart/json/response/login_response.json
    cache_strategy: async_or_cache
    .register: &register
    base_url: *base_url
    path: /register
    method: post
    # header: json2dart/json/header/register_header.json
    body: json2dart/json/body/register_body.json
    response: json2dart/json/response/register_response.json
    strategy: cache_or_async
    ttl: 60
    .forgot_password: &forgot_password
    base_url: *base_url
    path: /forgot_password
    method: get
    # header: json2dart/json/header/forgot_password_header.json
    body: json2dart/json/body/forgot_password_body.json
    response: json2dart/json/response/forgot_password_response.json
    strategy: just_cache
    ttl: 120
    keep_expired_cache: true
    # Add delete user
    delete_user: # api-name
    base_url: *base_url
    path: /delete_user
    method: delete
    body: json2dart/json/body/delete_user_body.json
    response: json2dart/json/response/delete_user_response.json
    cache_strategy: just_async
    login: *login
    register: *register
    forgot_password: *forgot_password
    # Add delete user
    delete_user: *delete_user
  3. Generate API with this command

    morpheme json2dart

    The delete user API is automatically added to page users in the feature master, after that we need to add the BLoC to our Cubit.


morpheme json2dart [arguments]

To see all available options and flags, run morpheme json2dart --help.

Available Options

  • Custom Morpheme Yaml :
Custom Morpheme YamlDescription
--morpheme-yaml [path_file]This command is used to select yaml config the application in a specific file, by default it will run the morpheme.yaml file.
  • Specific Apps Name :
Apps NameAlternativeDescription
-a [apps-name]--apps-name [apps-name]Generate spesific apps (Optional)
  • Specific Feature :
Specific FeatureAlternativeDescription
-f [feature-name]--feature-name [feature-name]Generate json2dart spesific feature which has been registered in json2dart/json2dart.yaml
  • Specific Page :
Specific PageAlternativeDescription
-p [page-name]--page-name [page-name]Generate json2dart spesific page which has been registered in json2dart/json2dart.yaml must include --feature-name option
  • Flags :
App VersionDescription
--[no-]apiSet generated models with implement api. (defaults to on)
--[no-]unit-testGenerate unit test for api implementation. (defaults to off)
--[no-]endpointGenerate endpoint from path json2dart.yaml. (defaults to on)
--[no-]replaceReplace value generated. if set to false will be delete all directory generated json2dart before. (defaults to off)