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l10n (Languages)

Single .arb

We can create multilingual systems with single .arb

Single arb

Spesific .arb

We can create multilingual systems with specific .arb based on our features for easy maintenance with this structure:

Spesific arb


We are unable to combine single and specific.arb !

Generate The Languages

This command is used to generate the l10n file at the path assets/assets/l1on/ so that we can use it in the project.

morpheme l10n
  • Use this command when there is a change in the l10n file.
  • Especially for vscode users, to make it easier to process l10n files, we can use the extension i10n arb editor, don't forget to save and use the command above after making changes. (This tips only works for non spesific .arb or single .arb file)


morpheme l10n [arguments]

To see all available options and flags, run morpheme l10n --help.

Available Options

  • Custom Morpheme Yaml :
Custom Morpheme YamlDescription
--morpheme-yaml [path_file]This command is used to select yaml config the application in a specific file, by default it will run the morpheme.yaml file.