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Install lcov with follow this installation


LCOV is an extension of GCOV, a GNU tool which provides information about what parts of a program are actually executed (i.e. "covered") while running a particular test case. The extension consists of a set of Perl scripts which build on the textual GCOV output to implement the following enhanced functionality:

* HTML based output: coverage rates are additionally indicated using bar
graphs and specific colors.

* Support for large projects: overview pages allow quick browsing of
coverage data by providing either a hierarchical directory structure
view or a three-level detail view: directory, file and source code view.

LCOV was initially designed to support Linux kernel coverage measurements, but works as well for coverage measurements on standard user space applications.

check your installation with run:

lcov -v

or you can run command:

morpheme doctor


This command is used to calculate our code coverage based on the tests that have been made. Code coverage will not be generated if all the tests we make have not been passed.

morpheme coverage

morpheme coverage support for Linux and macOS.


morpheme coverage [arguments]

To see all available options and flags, run morpheme coverage --help.

Available Options

  • Custom Morpheme Yaml :
Custom Morpheme YamlDescription
--morpheme-yaml [path_file]This command is used to select yaml config the application in a specific file, by default it will run the morpheme.yaml file.