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This command is used to view the list contained in the CLI.

morpheme -h


morpheme --help
Morpheme CLI Boost productivity with modular project creation, API generation & folder structuring tools. Simplify Flutter dev! #Flutter #CLI

Usage: morpheme <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-v, --version Reports the version of this tool.

Available commands:

build Build an app to android or ios
prebuild Prepare setup ios before build

api Create a new api in page.
apps Create a new apps module.
assets Generate assets from setup assets pubspec.yaml.
color2dart Generate dart color class from yaml.
config Generate launch.json & tasks.json related with config.
core Create a new core packages module.
endpoint Generate endpoint from json2dart.yaml.
feature Create a new feature module.
firebase Generate google service both android & ios.
json2dart Generate dart data class from json.
l10n Generate localizations for the current project.
local2dart Generate sqlite yaml to dart sqlite class helper
page Create a new page in feature module.
remove-apps Remove code apps.
remove-feature Remove code feature.
remove-page Remove code page in spesific feature.

analyze Analyze code in all packages.
clean Delete the l10n, build/ and .dart_tool/ in main, core & features directories.
coverage Run Flutter test coverage for the current project & all modules.
create Create flutter application with Morpheme Flutter Starter Kit
cucumber Generate integration test from gherkin in .feature
format Format all files .dart.
get Get packages in a Flutter project, Core & Features.
refactor Refactor naming old to new naming
run Run your Flutter app on an attached device with flavor.
test Run Flutter unit tests for the current project & all modules.
unused-l10n Unused l10n all files .dart.
upgrade Upgrade the current package's dependencies to latest versions..

changelog get latest changelog
doctor Show information about the installed tooling.
init Init a new project from starter kit

Run "morpheme help <command>" for more information about a command.