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Asset has its own module which aims to support all other modules so that they can use the asset, the location of the assets is in ./assets


Here are the steps for creating a logo.png image file as an example:

  1. Add the logo files to the assets/assets/images/ folder

    File generated

  2. Generate constants with the Morpheme CLI command:

    morpheme assets

    Learn more about command assets here

    The logo constant will be generated in the core/assets/lib/morpheme_images.dart file

    File generated


    Adjust the placement of the assets that we use

    • Image file path assets/assets/images/ constant will be generated in the file core/assets/lib/morpheme_images.dart
    • The file path icon assets/assets/icons/ constant will be generated in the file core/assets/lib/morpheme_icons.dart
    • The path of the json file assets/assets/json/ constant will be generated in the file core/assets/lib/morpheme_json.dart
  3. Now you can use MorphemeImages.logo in your code
